BBC micro:bit celebrates huge impact in first year
To celebrate its first year, the BBC has released figures showing the
positive impact the BBC micro:bit has had amongst UK students and
teachers, with 90% of students saying it helped show anyone can code.
New Product: Grove Inventor Kit for micro:bit
The Grove Inventor Kit brings endless possibilities to your micro:bit.
The core board is the Grove shield for micro:bit, with which you can use
with plenty of Grove modules including sensors, displays, actuators to
interact with micro:bit.
New Product: SparkFun weather:bit
A fully loaded “carrier” board for the micro:bit that, when combined
with the micro:bit, provides you with a fully functional weather
station. With the weather:bit you will have access to barometric
pressure, relative humidity and temperature readings.
New Product: SparkFun gamer:bit
A fun-filled “carrier” board for the micro:bit that, when combined with
the micro:bit, provides you with a fully functional game system.
Designed in a similar form factor to the classic Nintendo NES
controller, the gamer:bit is equipped with a four-direction “D-pad” on
the left side of the board and two action buttons on the right side of
the board.
New Product: SparkFun moto:bit
A fully loaded “carrier” board for the micro:bit that, when combined
with the micro:bit, provides you with a fully functional robotics
platform. The moto:bit offers a simple, beginner-friendly robotics
controller capable of operating a basic robotics chassis.
Microbit Synthesiser V2
I’m now developing my synthesiser further and getting my little boy
involved too which is always a good thing. It’s still in its infancy,
getting it into a working state is probably the hardest thing to do but
now it’s there we can have fun playing around with the code and enjoying
the results.
Remotely-triggered speaker-grid for Manchester Science Festival, using tablets and micro:bits.
The How of Robotics: Making micro:bit Movie Stars
Making robots isn't just for engineers and programmers - you can also
make works of art. You don't need a gigantic Hollywood budget either,
just some old toys, some good friends and some workshop tools. Oh, and
your micro:bit, of course.
A Shaky Start Talk Timer
This is a BBC micro:bit count down talk timer to tell you how much time you have left to complete your talk.
micro:bit Journaling Bag
This is the modification of a men's shoulder bag to add an animated LED
logo using a BBC micro:bit computer. I am a journalist (I keep journals)
and a geek and wanted a new bag to keep my journal and supplies in when
I travel.
Software, libraries and Tools
bitio - A Micro:bit IO device
A micro:bit I/O library for Python. It allows you to run code in Python
on a PC/Mac/Linux/Raspberry Pi and interact directly with the micro:bit.
It works with both Python 2 and 3 on Mac, PC, Raspberry Pi and Linux.
What if... Robots Replaced Teachers?
We at Team micro:bit have been overjoyed to bring you more than a year
of micro:bit experiments, activities and entertainment, so we decided
what better way to show our appreciation than to get in touch with our
robotics buddies and cause a little havoc?
Making with Micro:bit iBook
This is an introduction to coding and computer science by way of making
and design, using the revolutionary new micro:bit microcontroller and
Microsoft's easy and powerful MakeCode block-based coding environment.
Upcoming Events
Do you have an event you'd like to see here? You can tweet or email it.
July 27th, micro:bit Hackathon - Harrogate, UK
July 28th, Coding the Future with the BBC micro:bit - London, UK
August 5th, micro:bit workshop - Oxford, UK
August 12th, Introduction to Microbit Workshop - Manchester, UK
August 24th, Dudley Libraries Animal Agents - micro:bits... - Stourbridge, UK