Stay up-to-date with the latest micro:bit news, articles, and more.
micro:bit broadcast

Hi everyone and Happy New Year!

After taking a week off during the holidays we are back with renewed energy, exciting news, projects, videos and more!

And as always, if you enjoy this newsletter please feel free to share the sign up form.



bat:bit battery case for micro:bit
An acrylic case that wraps around the micro:bit leaving the edge connector exposed but giving you cable-free access to 2 AAA batteries.

microbit MAX7219 7-segment driver
A MicroPython module for using a 7-segment display driven by a MAX7219 chip.


Modelling micro:bit data with the Bitty Data Logger App
Shows how accelerometer data captured from a micro:bit can be merged with position data captured from a video clip of an experiment in the spreadsheet view of the free GeoGebra software

Getting Started with the micro:bit IO Pin Service
The process the Bluezero author went through to understand the IO Pin Service from the micro:bit BLE Profile when implementing the library.

Microbit Neopixel Christmas Tree
OK, so you’ve got your micro:bit RGB Christmas tree from kickstarter. It's all soldered up ready to go as per his instructions but you’re not quite sure how to proceed...


Micro:bit and Glowbug
Getting one GlowBug to flash Red, Green and Blue and cycling around with a micro:bit.

Micro:bit automatic watering system demo
A simple automatic watering system using the micro:bit, Proto-Pic moisture sensor and water pump, a 2n7000, and a Rose plant.

Neuron Controlled Edge follower updated
An update to a previous blog post about experimentation with an artificial neuron controlling the Bit:Bot (also linked in previous newsletter).


BlueZ patch for the micro:bit
Patch to BlueZ (Bluetooth stack for Linux) to include the UUID of GATT attributes used in BBC micro:bit services.

microbit-servo-class (MicroPython)
Python module updated to be easily included in the file system and importable in your scripts.


Hockerill DT Dept Student Projects
Pictures of students projects designed as a handheld device to match their developed program theme.

Video Series from The Maker Movies
A list of short, introductory videos for anyone wanting to get started with the micro:bit.

Building a Microbit Robot with the Kitronic v2 Motor Board
Video from Orion Robots building a robot based on the Kitronic v2 motor driver board, writing some Python code and discussing the board.

Upcoming Events

Do you have an event you'd like to see here? You can tweet me or email us.

January 12th, micro:bit show & tell - Cambridge, England
January 17th, Bloodhound Rocket car and Microbit Training - London, England
January 23th-24th, IoT Tech Expo - zbit-connect stand for the... - London, England
January 31st, Introduction to Wearable Technology Using ... - Cwmbran, Wales
April 4th, The Micro:bit Story: The Highs and Lows of... - Lancaster, England

Newsletter curated by @carlosperate. You can tweet me links or email them.
micro:bit with bat:bit image courtesy of Proto-Pic (original source)